World Silver Survey
The Silver Institute is a nonprofit international association whose members include leading silver mining houses, refiners, bullion suppliers, manufacturers of silver products and wholesalers of silver investment products. Established in 1971, the Institute serves as the industry’s voice in increasing public understanding of the many uses and values of silver.
The Silver Institute is a source for the latest news and most comprehensive information. Current facts and figures on global supply and demand are available as well as the most up-to-date reports and articles on the silver trade.
The World Silver Survey 2014 (WSS) is an annual review of the international silver market. It contains the only truly global analysis of the world’s silver markets and has been produced by Thomson Reuters GFMS, the London-based analysts of global precious metals markets, on behalf of the Silver Institute in Washington DC since 1994. The WSS is a unique source of silver supply and demand statistics for more than sixty countries. It contains a comprehensive analysis of investor activity, worldwide silver stocks and bullion flows as well as a lucid and concise account of the financial, economic and social factors underlying market trends.
You can download a summary of the World Silver Survey 2014 here or download the full survey by visiting the Silver Institute’s website